Browsing: Windowpanes

Carefully hidden behind one side, I discovered a perfect bird’s nest. Then I eagerly watched to see what little imposter tagged its home on my wreath. It didn’t take long because as soon as I walked out the door, not one but often two small grayish birds flew from the nest onto the branch of the tree right across from my porch. Two sneaky little lovebirds made a home there.

My mother-in-law has seen her share of heartache throughout her entire life. And now, as I deal with my husband having cancer, her son, as well, she doesn’t waver or doubt. She holds onto the best outcomes and reminds me not to get lost.

The gloom dangles heavily over us, and just when we think it will never break or let us go. Beams of sunshine break through and hug each of our souls—The promises and reflections of God’s glory. Let us embrace them.

So, unbox the cars, crash the bumpers, tear off the tires, and see the beauty of brokenness in yourself and others. Forget perfection. It is a facade. Embrace the potential of broken things and the possibilities of restoration.

Squishing and smashing play-doh at any age is highly recommended by Nanee and Hallie. It helps if you say SQUISH or SMASH IT with childhood expression.

After noticing the changes and some research, what I suspected was confirmed. Our cat detects that my husband is battling an illness. Their keen sense of smell can pick up hormonal body changes and people’s emotions. I am not surprised in the least.

I see him in people and the reflection they emit. I see Him in extended family members and friends. I see him in my best friend when she sends me a funny meme at just the right time. I see Him in strangers. I see Him in a busy doctor 20 hours away that takes time to answer my emails and be part of our story.

If he were closer, there would be no hesitation. He is who we would choose. We have some great doctors and nurses, no doubt. But the one who has provided a “Lott” of hope and continuous encouragement is one we have never physically met.

So I want to start my HAPPY New Year in February and celebrate these anniversaries: the shortest month moving into Spring, the beautiful red and pink colors, the love month, the month of roses and Reese’s hearts (I mean come on), the Superbowl month, the month our first child was born, the month of future hope, and the month we have and continue to celebrate so many happy anniversaries and events.

So laying any other struggles aside, I dare not forget this. We can often overlook how much God has done. How could I? But yet, I am human, and from the beginning of time, we have been guilty of this.